
Privacy Policy for Chrome extensions developed by eibun-hikaku.net

This privacy policy outlines the guidelines that eibun-hikaku.net (hereinafter referred to as "eibun-hikaku") adheres to when handling users' personal information or equivalent information in the use of the Google Chrome extension developed by eibun-hikaku, referred to as "Track Change GPT."

Consent for Handling Personal Information

Before installing Track Change GPT developed by eibun-hikaku, please read this privacy policy. By installing the extension, it is considered that you have agreed to this privacy policy.

Basic Policy

eibun-hikaku recognizes the importance of personal information protection as a social responsibility. We comply with relevant laws regarding personal information and handle the acquisition, usage, and management of personal information in our extension appropriately.

Scope of Application

This privacy policy applies exclusively to Track Change GPT developed by eibun-hikaku.

Collection and Purpose of Use of Personal Information

Track Change GPT collects information such as mouse clicks, mouse cursor positions, user-inputted text, and text responses from OpenAI's servers. This information is solely used for the functionality of Track Change GPT. None of this information is stored, and it is deleted when you close the tab containing ChatGPT.

Collection of Personal Information via Cookies

The extension does not use cookies for collecting personal information.

Security Measures

Track Change GPT does not transmit information to any server to prevent information leakage and other security breaches.

Third-Party Disclosure of Personal Information

eibun-hikaku does not provide personal information obtained from users to third parties.

Contact Information

For inquiries regarding Track Change GPT or the handling of personal information, please contact us at the following email address:

Email Address: contact@eibun-hikaku.net